BrandingBusinessCoca cola brand sign with refresh

Remember when you first launched your brand? Everything about it felt fresh and exciting. But like most things in life, brands become dated, sometimes even to the point they misrepresent your business. At some point, even the best brands need a strategic brand refresh. 

Hitting the refresh button reinvigorates your brand, returning relevance and authenticity. But how do you know when to hit the refresh button? Let’s explore some signs it might be time for an update and how to approach the process thoughtfully.

What Exactly is a Brand Refresh?

Maybe it’s time to consider a new logo or a refreshed color palette. Or perhaps your target audience would respond better to fresh, engaging messaging. A brand refresh isn’t a rebrand. It’s not about starting over from scratch; it’s about breathing new life into your established brand without losing its essence. Whatever form it takes, a brand refresh ensures your goals and values consistently resonate and align with customers, clients, and employees.

“Branding is the process of connecting good strategy with good creativity.” Marty Neumeier, branding expert and author of The Designful Company

Signs It’s Time for an Updated Look

So, when should you consider a brand refresh? Here are a few indicators:

  1. Outdated Visuals

Design aesthetics evolve. What was once cool and contemporary can now appear dated. If your logo, website, or other branding elements feel more nostalgic than innovative, it’s time to modernize.

  1. Evolution and Growth

Businesses grow and change, and you should reflect that evolution. If your brand no longer represents your services or target audiences, reassess and realign. The outcome of a brand refresh will improve your position in the market.

  1. Lack Distinction

Standing out in a crowded marketplace is crucial. If your brand isn’t as distinct as it once was, or if you’re having trouble articulating what makes you different, a refresh can sharpen your positioning, setting you apart and motivating sales.

  1. Drop in Engagement

Has your social media engagement declined? Fewer likes, follows, and clicks point to a disconnect between your brand and your targets. A refresh can revitalize and reconnect your audience with you.

  1. Loss of Pride

If your brand no longer inspires you, don’t expect it to inspire others. When you’ve lost that loving feeling, the best way to reignite the spark is to breathe life into it. 

Dunkin Doughnuts brand refersh

How to Approach a Brand Refresh

Are you seeing the signs? Not a problem. Here’s a strategic approach to follow:

  1. Take Stock

Start with a brand audit. Look at what’s working, what’s not, and where there’s room for improvement. This will help you identify the key areas that need attention.

  1. Keep What Works

It isn’t about changing everything. Identify the core elements of your brand that still resonate with your audience and keep those. The goal is progress, not regress. 

“Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.”Paul Rand, art director and graphic designer

  1. Involve Your Team

Your team has valuable insights. Who knows your brand’s strengths and weaknesses better? Their involvement will enhance the outcome and provide buy-in across your organization.

  1. Don’t Forget Your Audience

Your brand exists for your audience, so keep them in mind throughout the refresh process. Not sure who it is? Use focus groups and ask your key stakeholders. A brand refresh is an opportunity to strengthen your brand interactions with them.

  1. Roll It Out Thoughtfully

When it’s time to unveil your refreshed brand, plan a rollout that creates excitement. Whether it’s a new website, a social media campaign, or a special event, guarantee your audience knows something new and exciting is happening.

Burger King refreshed logo

The Bottom Line

A brand refresh can be a powerful way to keep your business relevant and engaging. If yours is showing signs of age, a refresh is just what you need to reinvigorate your presence and continue connecting with your audience in meaningful ways.

Updating your brand is never about changing who you are—it’s about ensuring your brand reflects the best version of where you are today.


Need to talk about how to update your look? Book a consultation with the Kudzu Brands team.